Young Disney actress and Zombies 4 star Freya Skye is making big steps towards the stage as she launches her music career. Not only is she joining the Descendants/Zombies tour, a joint tour Disney is hosting with cast from the popular movies ‘Descendants and Zombies’, Skye has also released a new single, ‘Can’t Fake It’.
I had the opportunity to listen to her single, and honestly I had a few thoughts about it. While the song is somewhat catchy, it does seem to be yet another upbeat breakup song. I have heard this song a thousand times before but in different fonts. The song is not horrible, just generic. There was no ‘wow’ factor or anything that caught and kept my attention.
However, the lyrics highlight the heartbreak and betrayal of relationships/friendships and do a great job of portraying the teenage angst and emotions many teenagers go through.
Once I played the song, I was a little disappointed. The lyrics had potential, but the song itself seems childish. Since Freya Skye is only 15 years old, I’m sure her audience is younger teens. ‘Can’t Fake It’ seems like it would be a hit with middle schoolers or even freshmen in high school. However, I cannot imagine a slightly older audience listening to this single and finding it enjoyable.
Skye’s voice is not what I did not like. Her voice is sweet and beautiful, but I don’t think Pop is her genre. While her new song is labeled as Pop, Skye’s voice is made for a more mature type of music. In my opinion, Skye should explore many different genres of music to see where her voice fits. I would love to see what would happen if she tried indie or alternative music. Without the tune drowning out her voice, Skye would most likely gain listeners. While Skye seems to be making a home in Pop, another genre with a slower tune and the chance to truly hear Skye’s voice would be amazing. I hope as she grows older and matures, her music will too.
Her music isn’t horrible and I didn’t actively hate it, however it would not be my first choice, and I would not intentionally put it on.
Overall, Skye’s voice is not bad and neither are her lyrics. As Skye explores music, I highly believe her musicianship will greatly improve. For now, I would give Skye’s new single a 2/5 stars.