The student news site of Langham Creek High School

LC Howler

The student news site of Langham Creek High School

LC Howler

The student news site of Langham Creek High School

LC Howler

About Us

“The Howler is Langham Creek High School’s online student news site. It is dedicated to bringing you accurate, thorough, and complete news, features, arts, sports, editorials, and more. The Howler has been established as a designated public forum for student expression and the discussion of issues of concern to its audience. Student editors, under the direction of the Principal and teacher/sponsor make content decisions. Opinions and viewpoints stated in The Howler are not necessarily the opinions or viewpoints of The Howler or its editors (except for unsigned lead editorials), the faculty advisor, Langham Creek High School, or the Cypress Fairbanks Independent School District. Viewpoints, including ones that oppose those appearing in The Howler, are welcomed. Langham Creek High School students may submit articles and letters to the editor, the publication of which is subject to approval by the student editorial board . All articles and letters selected for publication are subject to being edited for length, clarity and appropriate language.”