How to Ace Your Classes

Getting A’s for That Report Card
Tired of staying up past midnight studying? Don’t want to lose anymore hair because of the stress? If so, read these few tips to learn how to stay on top of your AP/DC classes.
Know what you are getting yourself into when you enroll for the class. You may want to take more challenging classes, but make sure you’re ready for the commitment. These are not classes you can just skate through by doing the bare minimum. Time and effort actually go into these class.
Be organized and keep track of your stuff. Now that you’re taking college classes, you have to keep up with the classwork and know when you have assignments. Do NOT leave it all till the last minute and run the risk of losing something or staying up all night trying to finish it all. Keep a planner or set reminds on your phone as soon as you have a new assignment.
Pace yourself and give yourself a couple of breaks. Make sure to stay on top of all of your classes, but don’t overwhelm yourself with too much work. Take a break every once in awhile
Try new study methods and practice, practice, practice. Maybe you learn more when your notes are really colorful, or everything is in the cornell note-taking style. Also, practice often. Try taking those practice tests and do your homework so you can be successful once it comes to the actual test itself.
Pick a single place to study and stick with it. Whether this place is in your dining room or at a desk in your bedroom stick with it, so that when you get to this place, you’ll be accustomed to do your work in this single place. Try to pick a place that does not have a lot of distractions because if you choose your bed, you’ll start to lay down and soon enough you’ll doze off.
Turn off those electronics. If you see your phone laying there, chances are you’ll get distracted and put off your work. If you have to have your phone in case of an emergency, keep it out of arm’s reach and turn off notifications from apps that would be a distraction to you.
Try to make you’re studying enjoyable. Make a soothing playlist or get your favorite snack. Anything that helps you to stay focused on your tasks.
Make sure you have a goal. Make a dream board or something that will help remind you why you are doing this. It’s easy to feel like none of these grades are worth it and have the temptation to drop out when you don’t have anything to look/work forward to.
Hey, I'm Lucia. I'm a junior, and this is my second year in journalism. I'm in charge of the Twitter account @LC_Howler where I keep you updated on when...