Homecoming Hopefuls: An Update
Antwan Richardson 12th, Chris Herron 12th, Bryce Phillips 12th. Tyler Chapa 12th, Sharleah Stanley 9th, Ariana Gordon 12th, Samantha Palomo 12th, Alexis Ho 12th, Clarissa Zapien 12th, Nandy Lamptey 11th, and Janae Washington 10th.
Of all the Homecoming traditions, the one most important, next to the football game, is the crowning of the Homecoming King and Queen. On Friday, November 2nd, our 2018 Homecoming King and Queen will be announced in front of the thousands of spectators at the football game.
“I feel really good about it actually,” senior Antwan Richardson said. “When I was working to be nominated I thought ‘I’ll go for it, but I don’t think I’ll actually be nominated’ but I made the court and it feels so great.”
This year’s senior court is comprised of Clarissa Zapien, Samatha Palomo, Alexis Ho, and Ariana Gordon running for Queen, and Chris Herron, Tyler Chapa, Antwan Richardson, and Bryce Phillips running for King.
“I feel good about making the court,” said senior Tyler Chapa, “but I am a little nervous because I’m not on the football team and I am not a cheerleader anymore. I do feel a little like an underdog.”
At halftime, the court stands in front of the home crowd, with all of the candidates and their escorts all lined in a row. Senior Antwan Richardson is excited to walk across the field with his parents in this incredible learning experience.
“My mom and dad will be walking out with me because they are my biggest supporters,” Richardson said. “I can’t imagine being out there without them.”
Some students are a little anxious about the large and rowdy crowds, but Chapa is used to the vast numbers of onlookers from his past experiences as a competitive cheerleader.
“Being in competitive cheer got me over my fears of big crowds like a stadium,” Chapa said. “I can’t wait for them to announce my name and for me to walk across the field all dressed up.”
The Duke and Duchess of the Homecoming court has been decided but not yet announced, as they will be walking alongside the seniors on the night of the game.
“I didn’t make the court this year,” junior Audrey Baker said. “But I’ve considered running for Queen, we’ll see.”
Now, with the Homecoming game only a week away and all the preparations for the event being taken care of by administration, all the court can do is wait.
“I’ve never done anything like this before,” Richardson said. “It’s just so exciting, I can’t wait.”

Hello! My name is Niamh Clarke and I am the Opinion Editor for this newspaper. My job is to work with the editor to assign and create entertaining and...
Crystal Le • Oct 26, 2018 at 9:58 pm
I feel like we have pretty good nominations this year!! (12th grade)