Langham Creek Band Director Earns State Associations Achievement Award
Gloria Ramirez
Most teachers will tell you teaching is a difficult task, but a rewarding one. Few however can claim 38 years of experience, more trophies than you can count and a prestigious award from the Texas Bandmasters Association. Unless your name is Gloria Ramirez.
Langham Creek High School Head Band Director Ms. Ramirez will be awarded a meritorious achievement award from the Texas Bandmasters Association for her outstanding work and contributions to Texas bands over her career.
“Well Ms. Ramirez is a fabulous band director, her bands have had much success over many years,” Principal David Hughes said. “I think the recognition that she’s getting is very deserving, it’s a great reflection of her performance over many years.”
She has earned this through the work she has done along with her fellow directors Alex Denton and Marshall Thomas.
“It’s a lifetime achievement award, so it takes into account everything she’s ever done as a band director,” Denton said.
Ms. Ramirez has always had a passion for music which started when she was a trumpet player in middle school.
“In the 8th grade was when I knew I wanted to be a band director, after making first chair in region band,” Ramirez said.
Even with her extensive experience with music, she acknowledges that everyone can learn more to improve themselves.
“After 38 years, you’re like, is there something new? There’s always something new,” Ramirez said.
As Head Band Director Ms. Ramirez teaches or interacts in some way with over 200 students each year and has impacted many that have succeeded in her band. One such student, Andrew Cliburn recently went to the state region competition for clarinet.
“She is a really influential person because not only does she make you a better player and performer, but a better person,” Cliburn said.
Even when faced with hardships such as Hurricane Harvey or other setbacks she doesn’t let that keep her down.
“I’ve been really fortunate in my career,” Ramirez said.
The award will be given to Ms. Ramirez at the Texas Bandmasters Association meeting in July, along with the other two award recipients.

Hi I'm Connor Duskie I'm the head editor of the Howler I've been on staff since the start first as the feature editor and head editor since sophomore year.