Leaders of Debate
Debate has been doing amazing this year winning a lot of tournaments. There are two students who stand out from the team, sophomore Layla Nguyen and junior Minh Le have been achieving success and setting the bar for the rest.
Layla and Minh’s achievements helped them qualify for State and they are going to the UIL CX competition.
“My favorite part about debate is probably the tournaments,” Nguyen said. “I love observing rounds.”
While both find things they enjoy in debate, there are also some things they dislike about it.
“At this point, I’m no longer debating for fun,” Le said. “But sometimes I do find reading certain arguments, walking into debate rounds, having that anxiety and nervousness before competition, and in the final rounds, I think that’s like a very fun part for me.”
Although they both have passion for debate, the time and energy spent on it isn’t something easy to do.
“The tournaments are on Fridays and Saturdays, and I don’t get to be with my friends, which just sucks,” Nguyen said.
The duo’s commitment and diligence doesn’t go unnoticed by their very proud teacher.
“What separates them from everyone else is their work ethic,” Debate Teacher Mr. Beane said. “They do way more work than most on the debate team, so their dedication really sets them apart.”

Hey there! My name is Danielle Saucedo and I've been in journalism for 3 years. My main goal in school is to graduate and go to college. I would like...