Orchestra Fall Concert

Orchestra first concert of the year

Karen Hernandez-Cano

Orchestra students practice during their 2nd period class preparing for their Fall Concert.

The Orchestra Fall Concert was on Tuesday, October 19th, with performances from Concert, Camerata, Philharmonic, Symphony, and Chamber orchestras. This was the orchestra’s first concert of the school year.

“I’m nervous, but excited to play with my friends,” sophomore Sophia Nguyen said.

The orchestra students worked hard to prepare for the concert.

“We had to go through lots of practice, lots of mistakes,” sophomore Nhi Su said.

The musicians are under new direction from Patrick Crowley, who joined the orchestra program this year.

“This was our first concert with the new director, so we were trying to figure him out and he’s trying to figure us out,” senior Emmy White said.

The orchestra students love to have fun at their concerts as well.

“When we’re playing in the middle of a song, and we’re out of tune, you feel it and sense it,” junior Ashley Vasquez said. “It makes your face scrunch up, and it’s so funny to me.”

Orchestra has an opportunity to bond as they get ready to perform.

“I like the hangout before the concert, just like all of us connecting, and it makes us better as an orchestra,” White said.

Many orchestra students enjoyed the chance to put all their hard work to show.

“It was so much fun,” junior Dylan Logan said. “I feel like all the practice we did really paid off.”

The musicians are happy to have had a great first concert this year.

“Working hard for something for a long time and finally doing it right felt really good,” junior Vysett El said.