Tragedy Inspires Creation of Comfort Pets
Stuffed dogs
This year the sowing team is looking to do something special for tragedies that have happened across the U.S.
“There have been a lot of tragedies in the past like in Uvalde, so we decided to make and send them stuffed comfort dogs to help cheer them up,” Fashion Design teacher Susan Young said.
The fashion design class decided to do this as a way of letting the children know that there are people out there that care about them.
“Let’s say that it’s something that they could have, that they know well this is a tough situation, but at least they have something to look forward to,” senior Vicente Rivera said.
There’s many things you can do to cheer someone up, and it seems like stuffed comfort dogs were the best option for them.
“I think dogs are very lovable, I feel like you always feel comfortable, you feel like it makes comfort in stuff like this,” senior Veronica Perez said.
Ultimately this isn’t new for the fashion design class as they have done this for other tragedies too.
“This is like 4 years of doing it, first year was Parkland in Florida, and we were shocked and they just wanted to do something for that school,” Young said.
All-in-all these stuffed dogs are here to help, and let the kids know that there are people that are there for them.
“We decided to do this so we can make those incident counselors make kids feel like other people cared about them,” Young said. “Plus it gives the students something to do for a school that is really heartbroken.”
The team has made the dogs and will be looking to send them to Robb Elementary in Uvalde very soon.

Hi my name is Alex Lopez . I am in my 3rd year of journalism, and also currently the Editor In Chief for the LC Howler Newspaper. I love to play basketball,...