Painting the Summer Away
Imagine getting the chance to spend part of the summer doing what you love every day at a college or university, and the best part is, it’s all free.
Sophomore Katelinn Barnes was awarded an opportunity to stay at a university for four weeks this summer and paint/sculpt for a 9-5 schedule daily after leaving the HLSR Art Competition as a finalist. Katelinn won the ability to immerse herself fully in the art-intensive curriculum and focus on her passion for art over the first month of summer break.
“I was quite excited that I was able to be selected for such a scholarship,” Barnes said. “I would have never imagined that my artwork would be recognized in this way, and a scholarship for a 4-week intensive seemed beyond me.”
Katelinn knew she wanted to apply as soon as she heard about the scholarship from her teacher.
“The fact that it was offered for me to apply, and that it involved learning and expanding my skills in different mediums (i.e oil painting and sculpting) impelled me to apply for this scholarship,” Barnes said.
This experience will give Katelinn a chance to practice and improve her artistic abilities with the help of trained artists.
“I will be able to expand my oil and sculpting skills as well as work as a student with professional artists,” Barnes said. “This will allow me to center more aspects of my life around art (like jobs and future college careers) and give me an in-depth appreciation for Western history as well as art in general.”
Katelinn believes this opportunity will help her learn how to be on her own while studying Western art.
“I hope to gain more skills in painting as well as experience a sense of independence and knowledge about Western art,” Barnes said.
She plans to find opportunities similar to this scholarship and do anything she can to contribute to her future in art.
“I would like to explore more opportunities like this scholarship,” Barnes said. “Going to an art intensive will be very beneficial and rewarding, therefore I want to pursue and get more opportunities like this one.”

Hi, my name is Hailey Vo! This is my third year in Newspaper, where I am currently Editor-in-Chief. In my free time, I love to read, watch movies, and...