Model U.N. Club

The Model U.N. Club will have its 4th year of role-play debates over real social issues.

With seniors graduating last year the U.N. Club has 25 members and continues to grow as time progresses.

“It’s a club where we pretend that we are different countries besides the United States, so you have to get out of your comfort zone there and get involved in the U.N. committees and solve the real world social issues from there,” Mr. Dean said.

Around the end of the year, the U.N. committees take a day off from school and head down to the University of Houston and debate on a grander stage. Along with 150 students coming from the Houston area some travel as far away as San Antonio to talk about the real social issues and discuss ways to solve these problems.

Like many other choices students wonder if they should attend the club or not.

“The club is manageable with any other club and it’s a lot of fun and not very time consuming,” Model U.N. Treasurer Karen Loza said.