The Elective Fair


The Elective Fair is an opportunity for students to think about what classes they want for next year. Ms. Alam, Ms. Cook, Ms. Gonzalez, and Ms. Stidhum, the CATE Counselors, will showcase the electives available in the building for next year. Teachers will be there to guide and help students during the fair. The fair will take place February 1st in the East Hall during all lunches.

“There’s going to be tables with signs and teachers standing, lined up in the hallway so kids can walk by and get flyers, ask questions, and learn more about the different electives that are being offered,” Cook said.

There will be new courses being shown for next year such as, Construction Technology, pathophysiology, and a few more. Forensic Science-K is also available. Audio Video Production has changed its name to Digital Audio Technology. Livestock Production was a semester long, and now it will be given as a year long course.

“Different names of things are going to change, so we need kids to know that,” Gonzales said. “It brings awareness to some electives that kids might not know about and also because with the graduation plan and students needing an endorsement, it helps them to see what’s out there to meet the endorsement.”