Cake pops

In just one week, the Color Guard managed to advertise, produce, and sell their cake pops before Valentine’s Day. The Band booster club came up with a new idea of a cake pop fundraiser. They were made locally by a band parent. Many of National Honors Society students purchased these to get community service hours. Grace Ratliff’s mom is the reason this fundraiser happened; Mrs. Ratliff had the cake pops made and was in charge of the sales.

“We were only given that week to make posters it was very quick,” Sophomore Alexa Gurley said.

The band booster wanted to do something different for their fundraiser this year, so they put Grace’s mom in charge. They were originally given 1 days to sell cake pops, but the deadline was extended to 2 days, because more were sold than expected. The money collected goes to Band and Color Guard for props in marching season and Winter Guard.

“A lot more people bought than we expected,” Junior Grace Ratliff said.

About 241 cake pops were sold, but just in case more students wanted to buy, Mrs. Ratliff ordered more.

“It ended up being very successful and the cake pops were really good, Two dozen were sold within 10 minutes of pick up,” Sophomore Olivia Hoppe said.