Make Your Voice Heard


People all over the country took to the streets to protest for action against Climate Change on Saturday. No matter how you stand on the issue, it begs the question: why should you be interested in things like this?

Politics is a minefield, full of lies and confusion. Most teenagers, not to mention adults, have no interest in joining the debate for fear of getting sucked into the partisan (political party) fighting. However, politics, though sometimes poisonous, is an important part of our country whether we like it or not.

“I think it’s important to read the news from good sources, like the Houston Chronicle,” climate change protester Deborah Yahner said. “You have to know what’s going on.”

Journalists, now more than ever, are working tirelessly to get the truth out in the open. Of course, the truth can seem hard to find when there are so many conflicting views. Should you watch Fox News or MSNBC? In fact, neither would be a good choice. News organizations should be non-partial for the most part. Find a newspaper or station that reports neutrally on their news stories.

“Talk to people, meet candidates,” Yahner said. “Go see both sides. We have to encourage people to dig and find out the truth no matter what. It’s a crucial part of democracy, it always has been.” 

Understanding both sides of an issue is only the beginning. From there, you can decide for yourself how you want to act.

“Join organizations, express your opinions, but you can always start small from home,” Sierra Club member Elizabeth Spike said.

Voting is ideally the best way to put your opinion out there, but for most of us, voting isn’t quite an option yet. Social media platforms like Facebook are full of opportunities to get active. Calling and writing to Congressmen, signing petitions, and attending rallies are just some of the things you can do to help get your voice heard.

“We just need to stay informed and keep our voices heard,” climate change protester Jenny Olson said.

Our current political climate makes our voices even more important. Anything that you can do is helpful. Most people don’t want to get involved in politics for the same reason why people avoid random shouting matches in day-to-day life. However, if you avoid making any statement about politics whether you have one or not, your opinion will never be represented.

Democracies thrive when the people are involved. Get involved.