2015-2016 Lobo Yearbook Wins Award


The Lobo Yearbook recently received an award and honor from Balfour Publishing for its cover design on the 2016 yearbook. Balfour is the company that makes most school related things like class rings, yearbooks and lettermen jackets.

The Yearbook Yearbook is a book compiling the best of the best yearbooks and features covers, page design, stories and photography. It shines the spotlight for all the yearbooks that Balfour selected to appear in the Yearbook Yearbook, whether it’s an article on one of the pages, or the very cover itself.

The 2015-2016 Cover with the bright fractal colored lobo was awarded in the Yearbook Yearbook as one of the best covers of the year. But how does one get selected to be in the Yearbook Yearbook?

To be selected for the Yearbook Yearbook is a difficult achievement. A book must have a good first impressions for a theme, logo, colors, graphics and/or textures, the year and the name of the book, and a spine with identifying information.

Other categories that the Yearbook Yearbook present are best, showstoppers, spreads, photos, packages, covers, and honorable mentions.

Due to the dedication our past yearbook staffs had, it’s not the first time we’ve won this achievement.

The Lobo Lair (the official name of our yearbook) also won in 2014 and 2012, which makes now our third award being in the Yearbook Yearbook in recent years.

But of course a yearbook can’t be made without its staff working their hardest and all their blood, sweat and tears all put into this award winning yearbook.

“The biggest challenge for me last year was trying to figure out how to be my friends’ boss,” 2016 Yearbook Editor-in-Chief Robert Jordan said. “I wanted to have fun with everyone but still accomplish finishing the book in time to make it good,”

While an entire staff that works like a well-oiled machine made such a great yearbook, the cover that we’ve been awarded for really goes to one person, Tyler Hayes (class of 2016).

“I had nothing to do with the cover,” Jordan said. “That was all Tyler who helped design and create it all. I think it turned out really good. If it wasn’t for him it would have a been a blank cover with Diane written on it, but Tyler created it and did something interesting that’s never been seen before.”