Graduation with a side of Tacos
Next Thursday, while the rest of the school is finishing up with finals, seniors will be finishing up breakfast tacos and their high school career at the annual senior breakfast and practice graduation.
“Senior breakfast has been a tradition since I’ve been here (21 years),” Assistant Principal Mr. Baker said.
Seniors will be allowed in at 8 am for a breakfast hosted by Rudy’s Barbecue. While they eat, senior officers will announce the Class Favorites that were voted on earlier this semester.
After that, everyone will move to the auditorium for graduation practice. Students will practice walking across the stage and accepting their diploma.
“That is my favorite part,” Baker said. “I love being there on the ramp to shake each of their hands as they walk across.”
The runner-up Commencement Speaker will get an opportunity to present their speech as well.
Finally, students will be dismissed to collect their caps and gowns in the gym foyer. Those who did not pay prior to this date will have to pay there in cash. There are 15 boxes of extra caps and gowns that need to be distributed.
“So many students procrastinated, and now they are more expensive,” Baker said. “That is why we encourage all students to pay the cap and gown fee at the beginning of the year. It’s a really good deal.”
Students that do not have a gown will not be allowed to walk at graduation.
This is the seniors’ last event before graduation on Friday, May 26th. From then on, they will be known as Langham Creek Alumni.
“To my class, it has been a pleasure working with you all for the past four years,” Baker said. “You will all have a special place in my heart from now on. And to the upcoming seniors- good luck!”
This is Mr. Baker’s last senior class before he retires in the coming years.
“I’m not sure exactly when I retire yet, but class sponsor is a six year rotation,” Baker said. “This school has been my home for 21 years and I love this place.”

Hey! I am the Senior News Editor for the LC Howler, and this is my second year on staff. I worked with the newspaper sophomore year as the Feature Editor,...