Anticipation for Stranger Things-Season 2

“I want to find out what happens because, the little boy who got abducted spit up a part of an alien thing, and I want to know what that means,” senior Natalie Saenz said.

The new season of Stranger Things has the fans on the edge of their seat and it hasn’t even come out yet.

“On a scale 1-10, I am a 10 for the show because I really want to find out what happens, I think Eleven and Will are so cute I want them to be together,” Saenz says.

Stranger Things is a rising show to the world, with an average of 14.07 million adult viewers per episode.

“I kept seeing posts and stuff about this girl Eleven, and I wanted to see what that was about, so I clicked on it and it turned out to be a really good show,” Saenz said.

Sophomore Guillermo Gonzalez has never watched Stranger Things, but upon hearing about it is optimistic about it being entertaining.

“I heard some kids talking about it during lunch, it seems pretty cool,” Gonzalez said.  “If exotic cars are involved I would consider watching it, and oooh seeing blood, guts and gore is cool too.”

October 27, 2017 is the big date for millions of Americans waiting to watch season 2.

“I will definitely be watching the entire season in one night,” Saenz said.