Opinions of Nike split after new ad campaign
Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing… your business?
Nike’s new Just Do It campaign with Colin Kaepernick is drawing lots of attention to the company.
The former quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers became a topic of controversy two years ago when he sat on the bench for the national anthem at a football game.
There is no denying that Nike made a bold move, but people disagree on whether it was brilliant or foolish.
In the wake of the mixed feelings the campaign jarred, the LC Howler took a poll to see what our students thought.
5% of students said that the ad positively influenced their opinion of the company, and they will be more likely to buy Nike’s products after their new campaign.
“I appreciate Nike taking a stand on a hot topic issue and giving people a voice to stand for what they believe in while so many have tried to silence athletes from speaking out on social issues,” senior Brendan Gallamore said.
75% of students said that their opinion of the company did not change.
20% of students said they did not like the ad and they will be less likely to buy the brand.
“I think the campaign is hypocrital,” senior Aaron Sweet said. “Kaep preaches about social injustice and sacrifice, but he didn’t sacrifice anything. He just changed careers and increased his net worth.”
The morning after the ad release, stocks reported that Nike lost $4.2 billion in market cap. However, according to Time magazine, the company has seen a 31% increase in online sales in the past two weeks. Additionally, this past weekend, Nike’s stock rose to an all time high of $83.90 a share. It will be interesting to see if the trend continues, or if the hype will die down.

Hey! I am the Senior News Editor for the LC Howler, and this is my second year on staff. I worked with the newspaper sophomore year as the Feature Editor,...
Alex • Oct 2, 2018 at 11:23 am
Austin Alvarado • Sep 28, 2018 at 11:45 am
Solid Article
Amber Kittles • Sep 27, 2018 at 11:34 am
I think that Nike is extremely bold and shows lots of integrity and inside with them on this matter. Awesome article!( 11th grade )
Lauren Lindsey • Sep 26, 2018 at 8:06 pm
One word for Kaep…. Pat Tillman
Crystal Le • Sep 25, 2018 at 8:11 pm
Of course, it is a part of a marketing strategy. I think it that Nike indeed took a bold move in doing this advertisement. I believe that although many consumers may not be happy with the ad, it is definitely what moved Nike into a territory of hot topics to talk about. In the end, Nike will not lose its consumers from it, permanently. In the exchange, Nike may gain more consumers that never paid attention much to the company. (12th grade)
Meaghann Silva • Sep 25, 2018 at 4:01 pm
I feel like companies success are all due to the risks that they take. If all goes well, Nike could be in a very beneficial spot due to this new ad campaign.
-11th grade
Dylan T. Nguyen • Sep 25, 2018 at 9:55 am
12th Grade – With the release of the new ad, Lebron James and Serena Williams have shown solidarity with Nike. They both have contracts with Nike and are key parts of Nike’s marketing strategy.