Varsity Basketball Goes into Overtime with Cy-Ranch
The Varsity Basketball team played Cy-Ranch on December 4th, in a back and forth thriller.
The 1st quarter wouldn’t lead you to believe this, however; the Lobos were able to gain a hefty lead over Cy-Ranch, who mostly got points through free throws committed off of fouls. These free throws also made this quarter drag out to a ridiculous degree. The 1st quarter ended with a score of 22-11, Lobos.
The 2nd quarter played out similarly to the 1st, though due to their being less fouls on both sides, it played out in a much faster and streamlined manner. Cy-Ranch was able to lessen the gap early on as as the Lobos’ defense started to trip up more frequently. But the Lobos got their act together, scoring more frequently thanks to a strong offense, with the 2nd quarter ending 40-27, Lobos.
During the 3rd quarter, there was tension in the air. It felt like everyone knew something was gonna happen during this part of the game that would either change the whole game, or be the signal for that event. This feeling was amplified when the gap in the score kept closing and closing.
But with the 4th quarter came mayhem. Cy-Ranch rallied back from a double-digit deficit, finally pulling ahead of the Lobos for the first time and the tension that had been gathering in the crowd was released. Soon, almost all of the students on both sides were on their feet, and they made up one of the most passionate crowds I’ve seen at a sporting event. They rapidly switched between cries of joy, anguish, victory, and defeat as the two teams constantly tried to pull ahead of the other. It looked as though Cy-Ranch would win, but soon a chance for the Lobos to make some free throws emerged, allowing them to tie the game. The 4th quarter ended with a score of 63-63.
The teams were allowed a 4-minute overtime in order to try and break the tie, and during this overtime, the crowd did every sports-spectator-cliche you can think of. They did the Seven Nation Army chant, they stomped their feet. The student section was relentless, encouraging their team to push through and win the game. And, well, they must’ve done something, because the Lobos came around to win it, with a score of 75-67.
The win was the Lobos 1st district win of the season matching their total from a year ago.

My name is Noah Conley, I'm 15, and I'm a reporter and Broadcast Editor for the LC Howler. I've worked on this site my freshman and sophomore years, and...