Lunch Lines Galore

The bell rings. It’s lunch time, the best part of the day of course. I rush from my seat and scurry down the stairs, but before I make it all the way down, I see it. The lines. The long, dreaded lunch lines that are overflowing with people to the point where they look like they’ve been mushed into a giant blob of hungry teens stuck standing there  for a majority of the precious thirty minutes available. How are we supposed to have time to eat when we have to stand in line for so long?

According to, “Teens need extra nutrients to support bone growth, hormonal changes and organ and tissue development, including the brain,” so it’s very important that we eat, especially for those who don’t eat breakfast or have extracurricular activities right after school, they need something in their bodies to help them flourish and prosper. It’s not like the school doesn’t provide nutritious food options, it’s that they’re unattainable to some people because of how slow the lunch line process is.

We originally had six lines open, but because of construction,  the three snack-bar lines the cafeteria had have been closed, and now we’re only down to three. That has slowed down the lunch  process, but what slows it down even more is the number of kids buying lunch. After a while, kids begin to get tired of waiting and start cutting around in line.  It’s unfair to those who have been waiting for the entire time in line due to the mass of people who just showed up and ended up in the front. 

One way this problem could be solved is having more staff monitoring the lines. They can make sure that everyone waits in line fairly and that the line moves steadily. Also, another way is to have the construction process move faster so this lunch chaos won’t have to happen all year and our 30 minutes of lunch actually goes toward eating.