Theater is preparing to sweep away young viewers with the play: The Lion, The witch and the Wardrobe. Two Cy-Fair elementary schools will be lucky enough to see the classic children’s book brought to life.
Ms. Reed’s fifth period class has been working hard preparing for this play since November. With most rehearsals being ‘only thirty minutes long’, these students have put their all into the short time they had, rehearsing like it is the actual performance. The students have grown tremendously since the beginning, but that’s not the only thing that has grown; so has the excitement.
“It is exciting and fun to do a show for kids,” freshman Ruby Jefferies said. “I think there’s a sense of wonder because it’s new and fun for them. Plus they won’t be critiquing us, so it is easier to just act.”
With a relaxed atmosphere, the actors are able to focus more on having fun, entertaining the kids and creating a memorable experience. They are hopeful to inspire them.
“I would like to spark a passion and encourage them to give it a shot,” Freshman Breihan said, “even if it’s not theater.”
The skills children gain from taking risks, even if they fail, can be valuable in many other areas of life. However, this performance is to plant the seed of curiosity and hopefully encourage young minds to join theater. Just how these students have grown, they hope to pass the torch to the younger generation and see the same.
“I have definitely seen my students grow through the rehearsal process,” theater teacher Tammy Reed said. “They have grown both in confidence and in their acting talents.”