Summer School

It’s almost that time summer is coming, and what some kids are looking forward to is Summer School. It’s going to be different this year.

“Summer School is free in order to provide the opportunity for all students to attend regardless of financial circumstances”Ap Scott Tucker said.

When it comes to  Summer School while it is free, it’s important to know the dates and where you get them so you don’t miss out on this great opportunity.

“You can stop by the counseling office and pick up the information.Summer School has different dates depending on original credit or  make up credit,”Assoc. Principal Susan Nolen said.

Here are the dates.

Original credit session one,June 13th to June 30th,Session 2 July 5th to July 25th

Make up credit Session one June 15th to June 30th,Session 2 July 5th to July 20th

Summer school will also be at specific locations

“English and Science will be at Cypress Creek high school, and Math and Social Studies will be at Langham Creek High School,” Secretary Deila Baker said.

With Summer School being free and able to access it could be a great opportunity to help your chances of graduating or getting credits.

“Students can benefit by either getting ahead in classes or making up classes with which they did not perform to academic standard,” Mr. Tucker said.

Summer School will officially start on June 13th