spring show: The Hunkadoras


Last weekend the Bailadoras held the spring show in the auditorium showing off the amount of hard work they’ve put in this year working during the weekend and the flood. The show involved poppa-doras, grandma-doras, and the main event the Hunkadoras.

The Hunkadoras are a group of boys from the school who got together to perform the Bailadoras hip hop show they performed at the fall and spring sports pep rally.

“The Hunkadoras is a group of guys, preferably manly guys and we do the hip hop dance, or at least we try,” Riley McDaniel said.

At first the guys were nervous around each other and for the spring show. In time they grew closer and begged for more practices to get their moves down perfectly. To start their segment off the boys did a skit pretending to be the Bailadoras almost mocking them in a friendly way, giving themselves high-pitched voices and ‘girly’ body motions. Then smoothly going into their dance that was learned with the help of The Bailadoras.

“It’s really watching them try and pick it up and the boys are really serious about it they keep asking to practice so I think they’ll do really good,” Katie Patrick said.

And do really good they did, the boys happily sauntered off the stage as they got a standing ovation from the crowd and getting cheered on by multiple girls probably swooning off their smooth dance moves. The Hunkadoras for sure will never die out and will be an everlasting great sense of entertainment for everyone and a chore for the Bailadoras to rally up.