The Great Art Collaboration

The Great Art Collaboration

For the first time in years the performing arts programs, Choir, Dance, Orchestra, and Theatre, are co-joining to present the notorious Shakespeare play, A Midsummer’s Night Dream.

“The past couple of days has been just trying to figure out what everybody needs to make it all come together and work,” VOCE choir Director Ms. Andrea Loer said. “Because we all work in slightly different ways, and we are just not used to some of the challenges that choir faces, [or]the challenges that orchestra and theatre faces.”

Different styles will come together to create new experiences that will assist students grasping the concept of collaboration. Non-theatre organizations are having to learn new theatre lingos, remembering ques, and the stress of show night.

“I know there are going to be some bubbles it’s not going to go perfectly, it never does, but, the nice thing about performances is that you have no choice but to run it from beginning to end so, you get that continuity,” Loer said. “I really think that every night is going to get a lot better by Saturday it is going awesome.”

Everyone gets to observe first hand all the moving parts of the show backstage in the booth and up on stage. The actors and the crew help the newcomers including some eighth-grade students.

“It’s really interesting to see offstage everyone rehearsing their lines,” Bailadora, Brenda Maltez said. “It’s an emotional experience.”

Antonio Garcia one of the dancers, whom is also in theatre got to experience dancing with the Bailadoras. For the first time he is running transitions, spending time, putting in work, and getting a chance to be in the spotlight with them.

“Yes, we put all our work into being a Bailadora and learning what they are learning, but it’s kinda [given] us a chance to still dance for people and get recognized for our dancing.” sophomore Bailadora Victoria Turner said.

The students work in proximity of one another for hours. They depend on one another to rehearse and make the show run as smoothly as possible.

“There are always some challenges when faced with new experiences, but in the end, we are creating something together that’s worth the challenge” Ariana Chagas said.

“Our actors and our technicians have worked extremely hard alongside our directors to make everything possible and it’s just gonna be a fantastic show” Stage Manager, Harrison Grigg said. “A show not worth missing.”

The Midsummer night’s Premieres this Thursday and will be performing on Friday and Saturday at 7pm.